Vice Rector of Talas State University Melis Turgunbaev (center), USAID CGP Deputy Chief of Party Ruslan Moldokasymov (to the right), Gulaina Syidanova-Mavigoz, Director of the Association of NPM Educators (to the left), faculty and students, representatives of the Education Board, state administrative bodies of Talas oblast, representatives of EWMI’s Collaborative Governance Program, and civil society organizations participate in the inauguration ceremony.
Vice Rector of Talas State University Melis Turgunbaev (center), USAID CGP Deputy Chief of Party Ruslan Moldokasymov (to the right), Gulaina Syidanova-Mavigoz, Director of the Association of NPM Educators (to the left), faculty and students, representatives of the Education Board, state administrative bodies of Talas oblast, representatives of EWMI’s Collaborative Governance Program, and civil society organizations participate in the inauguration ceremony.
Signing of Letter of Intention
Signing of Letter of Intention
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at TALSU
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at TALSU
Keneshbek Usenov, Rector of Jalal-Abad State University (left), Ruslan Moldokasymov, EWMI CGP Deputy Chief of Party (second from left), and Irys Beibutova, Coordinator of NPM Resource Center in Bishkek and representative of the Association of NPM Educators (to the right) cut a ribbon to inaugurate the new NPM Resource Center at Jalal-Abad State University.
Keneshbek Usenov, Rector of Jalal-Abad State University (left), Ruslan Moldokasymov, EWMI CGP Deputy Chief of Party (second from left), and Irys Beibutova, Coordinator of NPM Resource Center in Bishkek and representative of the Association of NPM Educators (to the right) cut a ribbon to inaugurate the new NPM Resource Center at Jalal-Abad State University.
Vice Rector of Talas State University Melis Turgunbaev (center), USAID CGP Deputy Chief of Party Ruslan Moldokasymov (to the right), Gulaina Syidanova-Mavigoz, Director of the Association of NPM Educators (to the left), faculty and students, representatives of the Education Board, state administrative bodies of Talas oblast, representatives of EWMI’s Collaborative Governance Program, and civil society organizations participate in the inauguration ceremony.
Signing of Letter of Intention
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at TALSU
Keneshbek Usenov, Rector of Jalal-Abad State University (left), Ruslan Moldokasymov, EWMI CGP Deputy Chief of Party (second from left), and Irys Beibutova, Coordinator of NPM Resource Center in Bishkek and representative of the Association of NPM Educators (to the right) cut a ribbon to inaugurate the new NPM Resource Center at Jalal-Abad State University.
June 2017
EWMI Launches two New Nonprofit Management Resources Centers in Jalal-Abad and Talas

On May 25 and June 1, the Collaborative Governance Program (CGP), in partnership with the Association of Nonprofit Management Educators and Jalal-Abad and Talas State Universities, opened two new nonprofit management (NPM) resource centers. These new centers are part of a network that includes four additional NPM Resource Centers that have been opened with EWMI and USAID support in Bishkek, Osh, Naryn, and Batken to promote nonprofit management training in universities around the country. The new NPM resource centers welcome students, active citizens, professors, local civil society and business organizations while providing computers with internet access, a space for work, lectures, roundtables, and workshops. EWMI's CGP program supports universities and civil society to establish a strong NPM educational program across the Kyrgyz Republic that is accessible to students and the community to build a strong civil society with better leadership and management skills. Since December 2013, with EWMI support, 11 universities have introduced four non-profit management courses that have educated more than 1,500 students in the discipline of nonprofit management. To date, the four NPM Resource Centers have hosted over 70 guest lectures for more than 4,000 students, faculty members, and representatives of nonprofit and business organizations.

The Collaborative Governance Program is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).