George Mason University – Nonprofit Employment Data Project


The George Mason University – Nonprofit Employment Data (GMU-NED) Project generates new information on economic trends in the nonprofit sector that demonstrate the significant economic scale and importance of the nonprofit sector on the national, state, and regional levels. The GMU-NED Project, housed at the Center on Nonprofits, Philanthropy, and Social Enterprise in the GMU Schar School of Policy and Government and funded by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, will build on the work of the Johns Hopkins Nonprofit Economic Data Project (JHU-NED) led by late EWMI partner Dr. Lester Salamon.

EWMI has received a subgrant from GMU to provide research and other support to this project. EWMI will: 1) Lead the production of regular reports on key components of the nonprofit economy in regions and states across the country; 2) Support the maintenance and redevelopment of the Nonprofit Works interactive database, which provides national, state, county, and MSA-level data by field and year from 1991-2017 on nonprofit employment and wages; and 3) Support collaboration with advocacy partners—including the Aspen Institute’s Nonprofit Data Project, Independent Sector, the National Council of Nonprofits, and other stakeholders—to advocate for more regular data on nonprofit employment and wages and the expansion of the nonprofit data ecosystem to include demographic and other data not currently available. Please click here to read a full announcement of the GMU-NED Project and to learn more about the work EWMI will be supporting.