With a grant from the United States Department of State - Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL), the East-West Management Institute is implementing a project to advance transparency and counter corruption in Sri Lanka, by providing technical support to the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC). The Advancing Transparency and Accountability in Sri Lanka: Strengthening the Technical Capacity of CIABOC project is helping to build CIABOC’s capacity to document, process, monitor, and resolve corruption and bribery cases, and will help develop an automated case management for tracking CIABOC’s caseload.
Sri Lanka
EWMI Programs in Sri Lanka
With funding through a grant from the United States Department of State, EWMI and its local partner, the Center for Public Policy (CPP), are providing free legal advice to underserved and needy citizens in the northern sections of Sri Lanka which have been severely affected by the ongoing civil war there. The project is helping citizens who could not otherwise afford representation settle land disputes, resolve domestic conflicts, and obtain documentation from the government that they need in order to return to their lands. EWMI’s assistance consists of funding to pay for lawyers, the provision of training to lawyers, and support for public outreach and education