Sarajevo, BiH
Sarajevo, BiH
Sarajevo, BiH
Sarajevo, BiH
Renovated Srebinica courthouse
Renovated Srebinica courthouse
Sarajevo, BiH
Sarajevo, BiH
Renovated Srebinica courthouse

Bosnia Legal and Regulatory Reform Program (LRRP)


EWMI’s USAID-funded Bosnia Legal and Regulatory Reform Project (LRRP) assisted the two entities that comprise Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina (Federation) and the Republika Srpska (RS), to establish a new legal and regulatory framework, rebuild institutions and commercial systems, create capital markets and implement accounting and auditing reforms. Through a comprehensive program of technical assistance and training, LRRP was responsible for the areas of commercial law reform, capital markets development, and accounting and auditing reform. In the area of commercial law reform, EWMI both drafted commercial laws and regulations and then conducted training and capacity building to ensure that the new legislation was understood and implemented. In the area of capital markets development, EWMI worked actively to develop a viable legal and regulatory securities infrastructure in both the Federation and the RS. EWMI also assisted the Ministries of Finance in both entities in drafting and adopting accounting standards compliant with International Accounting Standards (IAS) and auditing standards complaint with International Standards of Audit (ISA), and then trained private and public practitioners on these standards.