June 2020
A Message from the EWMI President

Dear EWMI Community,

Even as we start to emerge from the ravages of COVID-19, here in the United States we are confronting, again, an old and persistent enemy: racism.

All of us at EWMI are dedicated to building better communities and promoting the cause of justice around the world. That is why we go to work. It is what we do. It is our calling. As such, it is particularly painful to be reminded so graphically of the shortcomings and frailties of our own American democracy. There is no place, in any country, for persecution and murder based on the color of one’s skin. There is no place, in any country, for the violent suppression of peaceful protests. There is simply no excuse for any of it.

These events must serve as an impetus for us to continue the fight, at home and abroad, against racism, hate, and violence. As we begin our next home office staff call on Monday, June 8, we will observe eight minutes and 46 seconds of silence to honor the memory of George Floyd and others who have suffered the injustice of racism, to reflect on what is happening in our country, and to consider how we can better come together to confront this injustice. I encourage each of our overseas offices to organize a similar commemoration during the coming week.

Thank you for your dedication and support during these challenging times.

Adrian Hewryk
